
What is Podium? Podium is a blazing-fast HTTP Leaderboard service and library. It could be used to manage any number of leaderboards of people or groups, but our aim is players in a game.

Podium allows easy creation of different types of leaderboards with no set-up involved. Create seasonal, localized leaderboards just by varying their names.


  • Multi-tenant - Just vary the name of the leaderboard and you can have any number of tenants using leaderboards;
  • Seasonal Leaderboards - Including suffixes like year2016week01 or year2016month06 is all you need to create seasonal leaders. I’m serious! That’s all there is to it;
  • No leaderboard configuration - Just start notifying scores for members of a leaderboard. There’s no need to create, configure or maintain leaderboards. Let Podium do that for you;
  • Top Members - Get the top members of a leaderboard whether you need by absolute value (top 200 members) or percentage (top 3% members);
  • Members around me - Podium easily returns members around a specific member in the leaderboard. It will even compensate if you ask for the top member or last member to make sure you get a consistent amount of members;
  • Batch score update - In a single operation, send a member score to many different leaderboards or many members score to the same leaderboard. This allows easy tracking of member rankings in several leaderboards at once (global, regional, clan, etc.);
  • Easy to deploy - Podium comes with containers already exported to docker hub for every single of our successful builds. Just pick your choice!
  • Use as library - You can use podium as a library as well, adding leaderboard functionality directly to your application;


Podium is based on the premise that you have a backend server for your game. That means we only employ basic authentication (if configured).

The Stack

For the devs out there, our code is in Go, but more specifically:

  • Web Framework - Echo based on the insanely fast FastHTTP;
  • Database - Redis.

Who’s Using it

Well, right now, only us at TFG Co, are using it, but it would be great to get a community around the project. Hope to hear from you guys soon!

How To Contribute?

Just the usual: Fork, Hack, Pull Request. Rinse and Repeat. Also don’t forget to include tests and docs (we are very fond of both).