Podium’s Benchmarks

You can see podium’s benchmarks in our CI server as they get run with every build.

Running Benchmarks

If you want to run your own benchmarks, just download the project, and run:

$ make bench-redis bench-podium-app bench-run

Generating test data

If you want to run your perf tests against a database with more volume of data, just run this command, instead:

$ make bench-redis bench-seed bench-podium-app bench-run

Warning: This will take a long time running.


The results should be similar to these:

BenchmarkSetMemberScore-8                           30000        284307 ns/op       0.32 MB/s        5635 B/op         81 allocs/op
BenchmarkSetMembersScore-8                           5000       1288746 ns/op       3.01 MB/s       51452 B/op        583 allocs/op
BenchmarkIncrementMemberScore-8                     30000        288306 ns/op       0.32 MB/s        5651 B/op         81 allocs/op
BenchmarkRemoveMember-8                             50000        202398 ns/op       0.08 MB/s        4648 B/op         68 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetMember-8                                30000        215802 ns/op       0.33 MB/s        4728 B/op         68 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetMemberRank-8                            50000        201367 ns/op       0.28 MB/s        4712 B/op         68 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAroundMember-8                          20000        397849 ns/op       3.14 MB/s        8703 B/op         69 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetTotalMembers-8                          50000        192860 ns/op       0.16 MB/s        4536 B/op         64 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetTopMembers-8                            20000        306186 ns/op       3.85 MB/s        8585 B/op         66 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetTopPercentage-8                          1000      10011287 ns/op      11.88 MB/s      510300 B/op         77 allocs/op
BenchmarkSetMemberScoreForSeveralLeaderboards-8      1000     106129629 ns/op       1.03 MB/s      516103 B/op         98 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetMembers-8                                2000       3931289 ns/op       9.13 MB/s      243755 B/op         76 allocs/op